GP’s Behind Closed Doors: Knickerbockerglory

Wednesday’s 8pm

The fascinating observational documentary series that takes viewers into the private world of a local GP surgery moves to a new location for its fourth series—Farnham Road Surgery in Slough.

Connor Snedecor worked on both Episode 1 and Episode 8. Here’s what he had to say about his experience working on the show:

“Because it’s a rig show, GPs Behind Closed Doors wasn’t too challenging on a technical level; 90% of our decisions were editorial/dialogue questions. What to include and where to include it to get a good balance, tell the story of each consultation, and have some character and variety across everything. While I like more technical editing too, it’s satisfying to have a more purist set of questions in front of you – strictly the content and no artifice.

Knickerbockerglory’s a really forward-thinking and friendly place to work just generally, and the team behind GPs were some of the least stressed-out people I’ve ever worked with in TV, especially considering the challenge of putting together so many shows from so much material so fast! It’s a really well-oiled machine and even though my edit producer and I were both new to the show we went really smoothly up the learning curve.”

Episode 8 will be aired Wednesday 13th September 8-9pm Channel 5.

More info can be found here.